Add to Your Years with a Bike Ride
September 01 2021 – Rudy Marquez

Riding a bike is a fun way to decompress and unwind. Many health perks come with cycling down the street on your two-wheeler. Pedaling reduces the risk of stroke, enhances cardiovascular fitness, lowers stress levels and joint mobility and coordination, increases bone strength, and enhances cardiovascular fitness. But did you know that cycling, even for a brief period, can extend your life by a couple of years?
Evidence of cycling adding years to your life
Research published in JAMA Internal Medicine supports the view that cycling can elongate your life.The study, whose data was obtained from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study, examined 7000 diabetic adult participants from 10 western European countries who were administered with questionnaires regarding medical history, sociodemographic, and lifestyle information. The study took place from 1992 to 2000, a period which formed the baseline examination. And a second examination was conducted five years after the baseline.
From the research findings, Ried-Larsen and his team deduced that regular cycling over the five years lowered the probability of early death from all causes and heart disease by 35% when compared to participants who did not cycle at all.
Editors of the study point out that the immense health benefits are not exclusive to diabetic patients but can accrue to everyone across the board.
Time does not matter
The research showcased the benefits for all levels and intervals of cycling and did not recommend a specific timeframe to be spent on the bike. Everyone who cycles regularly is bound to enjoy the benefits, no matter the duration spent cycling!
Evidence from a 2014 study shows that you can gain many benefits in a very short duration of cycling. After just six weeks, study subjects reported lower levels of blood pressure, enhanced aerobic capacity, and other improved biomarkers after a 10-minute HIIT-style cycling workout done three times a week.
A more recent study discovered that ONLY 4-second reps of intense peddling sandwiched between 15-30 seconds of rest significantly yielded higher cardiovascular fitness levels and increased muscle mass among the participants. Breaking up sitting with frequent, extremely abbreviated exercises can undo some adverse effects of a sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, you needn't cycle for extended periods to enjoy the benefits!
Check out our other blogs related to the endless benefits of cycling:
Stay Moving to Stay Alive: 3 Reasons to Take Up Cycling
Cycling is Great for You Even During a Pandemic
How Does Your Body React When You Stop Riding
Ready to add a few more years to your life? Loco Cycles has got a wide selection of bicycles to choose from. Get in touch with us via email: