Don't Sweat It, And You'll Regret It - The Benefits Of Sweating
August 25 2018 – Rudy Marquez

Sweating is a natural human process that we all seem to be grossed out by. It is sticky and usually accompanied by a wonderful relationship of body odor. Despite all this, it is such an important and healthy aspect of our human anatomy.
The act of sweating is actually such a useful way of releasing toxins and unclogging pores, making all those donuts you had this morning worth it. One of the greatest things about sweating is that it is really beneficial to your skin and helps you achieve that natural glow you're begging for.
Sweating has the ability to help your skin by:
- Hydrating it
- Naturally exfoliates it with salt and other minerals
- Utilize particular acids to fight dry skin and dermatitis
All of this works on the skin because of the pores purging the skin and body of different bacteria, dirt, and minerals. Our skin absorbs a lot of the material and chemicals we come into contact with like pollution, lotions, soaps, dirt, and germs. When our pores are opened due to sweating, our sweat pushes those dreadful things out. What's great about the sweat on your skin is that sweat has the same pH factor as the skin, making it optimal as it is.
Sweating is also good for your insides too! When your body starts the sweating process, it sends a signal that your body is entering a performance zone. When in this zone you are reaching different heart rates and temperature goals that can help you in your exercising intentions.
Exercising is ultimately the ideal way to get your body into the sweating phase (instead of other methods like the sauna). This is ideal because during exercise other effects will occur like:
- Increased heart rate
- Water is flushed through your system faster (especially your skin)
- Working to build muscles, lose weight, tone up etc…
Sweating from exercise also more natural and more effective.
Many people who exercise will focus on when they start sweating and the amount of sweat they are producing. It is a natural gauge to how your body is doing during the workout and reacting to it. Something that can seem gross is actually very beneficial in a variety of ways, so don't be so hard on yourself the next time your pit stains are showing at work, you are doing good things for your body!