Why the Early Bird Always Catches the Worm
June 11 2018 – Rudy Marquez

Ever wonder why the early bird catches the worm? Plenty of scientific studies and statistical data link waking up early to greater mental health, higher grades/success rates, healthier diets, and overall mood improvements. With all of these benefits, it's no surprise that 50% of self-made millionaires wake up hours before the work day begins.
Why the Early Bird Always Catches the Worm
It's not mere coincidence that waking up early correlates with a greater quality of life overall - but it's important to note that waking up early does not mean sacrificing sleep. In fact, sleep is vital. Sleep deprivation often causes hypertension, symptoms of psychosis, all while being potentially fatal. A lack of sleep may also impact your memory, metabolism, and mood. Research has proven time and time again that the average adult needs seven to nine hours of sleep.
Waking up early after getting the necessary hours of sleep establishes a healthy circadian rhythm, which goes hand in hand with other healthy habits. Treating your body right and allowing it to replenish itself will improve your mental health as well as your appetite, which are two key factors in determining the quality of your life.
- The impact of good mental health is greater than many think. A sound mind establishes a healthy sense of yourself and the world around you. With the peace, clarity, and calm brought on by a great night's sleep, you will find yourself feeling more productive, grounded, and confident.
- We all hear that a balanced diet and eating habits have a profound effect - but exactly how profound? Well, malnutrition leaves individuals feeling irritable, confused, stressed, unproductive, and again, has potentially fatal consequences. Waking up early is associated with a decreased craving for "junk" foods, making eating right an easy choice.
How YOU Can Catch the Worm Too!
While it's not uncommon for many of us to slap the snooze button the moment we begin to hear our alarms go off, waking up early is often far less challenging than it seems. By making a few changes in your daily routine, you too can benefit from the effects of rising alongside the sun every morning.
- Routine sleep maintenance - As stated above, sleep is vital. If you are going to bed at a reasonable time every night, it only makes sense that you would wake up at a decent hour every morning, as well.
- Exercise - Along with many other benefits, exercise does contribute to your sleep cycle and has the potential to naturally cure insomnia. However, it's not just a matter of merely tiring yourself out to sleep longer. Exercise increases the amount of time your body spends in the deeper stages of sleep, improving your overall quality of rest.
- Relax technology-free before bed - It's no secret that technology disrupts sleep. Their stimulus, as well as the light from the screen, tells our brains to "stay awake". Putting your phone down, shutting off the TV, and perhaps picking up a book are surefire ways to ensure quality dozing.
- Don't hit snooze - While those extra ten minutes in bed may seem like a good idea, reawakening will only leave you feeling even more exhausted. Falling back asleep restarts the sleep cycle, which leaves us feeling groggy and irritable when disrupted.
It's no wonder the early bird catches the worm, tends to be more successful, productive, and healthier, leading to a much greater quality of life overall. With so many benefits backed up timelessly by a plethora of scientific studies and statistical data, it's no surprise that most Americans are tackling the day by 6:30 AM. For even more posts about healthy living from bicycling to diet, head on over to our blog. For more information about Loco Cycles, please contact us.