Wind Resistance and Cycling
December 01 2018 – Rudy Marquez

When you are riding for fun, the last thing you want is a wind that makes the cycling more of a chore. When you are out cycling, you have a lot of control regarding the speed and the hoods to visit. However, you have no power over the weather conditions. Often, you might get caught up in a strong wind, that you cannot navigate. Well, in this article, you will learn about wind resistance and cycling.
What is wind resistance?
Wind resistance is the force of air that counters the movement of an object. In a cyclist's case, wind resistance will make you feel like you are pedaling uphill even when the terrain is fairly leveled.
The different kinds of wind resistance include:
- Headwind-A headwind is a wind that blows against your travel. Headwind is one of the resistance forces that most cyclists dread. Going against a headwind is a struggle. The wind will not only slow your speed but also affects your balance. In extreme cases, you might be forced to change your direction or bring your cycling to a stop altogether. Knowing how to deal with a headwind will help you enjoy your ride against it. To navigate a headwind, lower your body and keep your elbows in. Doing this will reduce your drag. Also, avoid flapping jackets as they increase resistance to the wind.
- Crosswind- If the headwind attacks your bike from the front, can you guess where the crosswind hits you? Yes! Crosswind is the wind that hits your bike from the sides. A strong crosswind might pull you off your path and make balancing difficult.
- Tailwind- The wind cannot be bad all the time. To every cyclist, a headwind is an enemy, but the tailwind, depending on intensity, can be a friend. A tailwind propels your bike in the direction of its destination hence helps you speed. A tailwind is mostly safe and favors you in many ways, but a strong tailwind might make it harder for you to control your speed.
In conclusion, wind resistance is an aspect of nature. You have little control over nature, but knowing how to deal with these kinds of wind resistance will help you ride safely, and with less struggle.